With more than 25 years of experience, DGOffice B.V. is the specialized world leader of software solutions and services for dangerous goods and chemical management. We also trade under the name DGM Software Development Group.
Our internal design & development team and in-house DG specialists bring their fields of expertise together. As a result, we deliver sustainable solutions that suit your business. All with the same promise; easy to use, quick, and always up-to-date.
We are committed to continuously add maximum value to our customers. Therefore, the input from users is highly valued. Along with this, constant development and improvements are combined to match their current and future activities. Because we support them, all the way.
Headquartered in
Lelystad, the Netherlands
Thousands of users located all over
the globe
Founded in the year
Local representatives and partners across
6 continents
Solutions are developed in
Denmark & the Netherlands
Solutions are available in
30+ languages